MWC Helps Organizations Recognize Their Exceptional Stewards

Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program Logo

Our watersheds thrive thanks to the thousands of people who take small, meaningful actions every day to protect their natural beauty. Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) is proud to recognize these dedicated individuals through the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program.

The Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program was created by MWC in 2022 to help local non-profit organizations celebrate their members who are exceptional stewards. In the three years since the program’s launch, forty watershed stewards have been recognized by their respective organizations for their efforts!

The program is named in honour of Doug Cross, a former MWC member whose expertise in media communications significantly amplified MWC’s outreach. Following Doug’s passing in 2020, MWC received a generous donation in his memory, which now funds initiatives like this to promote best practices in watershed stewardship.

Eligible organizations can register throughout January 2025 to receive a free Recognition Package, which includes:

  • A certificate of recognition, and
  • A gift card to Hidden Habitat, a native plant nursery.
MWC Chair Aaron Rusak presents Pete LeMoine with the stewardship award
Pete LeMoine (left) was selected by MWC as their 2024 Doug Cross Stewardship Recipient. The award was presented by MWC Chair Aaron Rusak (right).

This package is designed to help organizations honour a member they identify as an exceptional watershed steward. While MWC provides general selection criteria and ideas on our website, each organization has the flexibility to choose what works best for them.

Join us in celebrating these inspiring individuals who make a lasting impact on our watersheds. To learn more about the program or to register for a Recognition Package, visit