Purpose & Values

Muskoka Watershed Council is committed to the enhancement of the health and sustainability of the entire Muskoka River Watershed, from its headwaters in Algonquin Park to its outlets to Georgian Bay, as well as those parts of the Severn River-Lake Simcoe Watershed and the Georgian Bay shoreline and islands that lie within the District of Muskoka.

MWC was formed to educate on environmental issues, provide science-based environmental policy advice, and help address watershed management issues. MWC provides a framework for coordination and cooperation among key interests, and reports on the health of the watersheds on a regular basis.


To empower the community to protect and enhance watershed health.


To sustain and enhance the water and terrestrial ecosystems of the area’s watersheds for the environmental, health, economic, spiritual and intrinsic values they provide.


Evaluate the Watersheds

Develop and implement science-based programs to research, assess, monitor and evaluate the health of Muskoka’s watersheds.


  • Undertake and/or endorse research to better evaluate, understand, benchmark and monitor watershed health;
  • Develop collaborative research relationships with governments, agencies, academia, business, industry, NGOs and associations with shared interests in watershed health, including water quality and quantity, habitat protection, air quality, climate change and land use planning; and
  • Identify watershed health degradation, impairment and poor program delivery, along with watershed health improvement, quality and good program delivery.

Speak for the Watersheds

Provide advice on sound air, land and water use planning and management practices and policies that sustain and improve the health of Muskoka’s watersheds.


  • Develop timely and informed position papers on watershed health;
  • Advise on environmentally sustainable urban, rural and waterfront development design standards and best practices that enhance the traditional small town, rural, waterfront and wilderness character of the watersheds;
  • Advise on sustainable use of natural resources including soils, forests, aggregates, bedrock, water and air;
  • Advise on behaviour change that supports healthy watersheds;
  • Advise on plans and programs to rehabilitate degraded areas;
  • Provide comments to municipal governments on matters related to watershed health policy and related programs and initiatives; and
  • Host public lectures, workshops and conferences.

Communicate and Educate

Develop and implement public information and education programs that promote understanding of the impact of human actions on the watersheds and encourage lifestyle choices that are compatible with healthy and functioning watersheds.


  • Develop and publish the Muskoka Watershed Report Card;
  • Enhance and promote access to the MWC resource library on watershed health and management;
  • Publish science-based position papers and best practice information;
  • Use state-of-the-art methods and techniques to communicate and educate, including publications, electronic media and face-to-face contact; and
  • Regularly engage with the Councils of the watersheds’ municipal governments.

Promote and Demonstrate

Promote and facilitate demonstration activities and best practices that support a sustainable environment and a healthy community structure with a thriving economy.


  • Promote environmentally responsible behaviour by individuals, government, business and industry by demonstrating lifestyle and best management practices that enhance the environmental, social and economic well-being of watershed communities;
  • Seek out external funding sources to support watershed partner collaboration in demonstrating best practices;
  • Participate in and strongly support various national and international environmentally sustaining behavior awareness initiatives; and
  • Develop and promote our own Muskoka-based, local environmentally sustaining behavior awareness initiatives.

Council & Committees

Muskoka Watershed Council is an environmental not-for-profit organization, incorporated in Ontario, with a membership of up to 40 individuals. MWC is governed by a Board of Directors, but most of MWC’s work is done by the Council itself, and by various sub-committees of Council. Council meetings are open to the public, and sub-committees frequently include non-Council members.

Board of Directors

Directors are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting and serve two-year, renewable terms, except that the Chair normally serves a single term in that position. The Board of Directors is the governing body for Muskoka Watershed Council, responsible for appointing members, developing policies, complying with requirements of the Ontario Not-for-profit Act, and providing leadership for the Council. The Chair reports to the Board and chairs meetings of the Council.

Current Directors

Muskoka Watershed Council

Individuals interested in serving may be appointed by the Board to 2-year, renewable terms as Members of the Council. In doing so, the Board seeks to maintain a membership that represents the broad diversity of expertise, experience, careers, connections, and communities across the watershed. If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the membership application form.

Muskoka Watershed Council Members

Muskoka Watershed Council meets monthly, except during summer. All meetings of the Council are advertised on our website and via social media and are open to the public.

Much of the work of the Council is done in meetings of committees of Council. Committees are set up as needed to serve specific projects, and participation is not restricted to MWC members.

Community Roundtable

The Community Roundtable (CRT) was established in 2021 to support Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) and to assist the District of Muskoka by providing advice on the set of 12 projects funded through the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks as part of the Province’s support for improving environmental management in Muskoka. The approximately 48 CRT members include MWC members, representatives from municipalities with lands within the Muskoka River Watershed, and members drawn from a variety of business interests, organizations, and communities across the watershed. Learn more about IWM and the CRT on the IWM page.