A Water Quality Technician measures water clarity using a Secchi disk

How well do we know our watershed?

What do we know about our watershed and are there gaps in the information being collected? By Dr. Peter Sale. The Muskoka River watershed is quite well known because many…

Ken Black at the 2014 Muskoka Summit on the Environment

Do you know the ‘long history’ of integrated watershed management in Muskoka?

“The long-term prosperity of the Canadian economy can only be built on the sustained integrity of our [environment].” — "Achieving a Balance" published by the National Round Table on the Environment and…

Flood waters swirl past the Bracebridge Generating Station during the 2019 flood.

There’s a Big Difference Between “Water Management” and “Watershed Management”.

By Kevin Trimble. Flood waters swirl past the Bracebridge Generating Station during the 2019 flood. There has been recent interest in reopening and modifying the Muskoka River Water Management Plan…

Graphic of the four types of risk

Caring for Muskoka’s environment with the unknown unknowns.

Unknown unknowns cause problems we cannot anticipate, problems that can be small or very large. By Peter Sale. Our environment faces four types of risk. Known and unknown risks that…

Photo showing damage due to flooding at a cottage.

Protecting Our Water. A 21st Century Challenge.

By Peter Johnston. Damage due to flooding is becoming more frequent in Muskoka as climate changes. In this changing world we cannot manage flood risk or anything else in our…

Kevin Trimble, a board member at the Muskoka Watershed Council, spoke at the Integrated Watershed Management Leadership Workshop, held at Huntsville’s Active Living Centre on November 28th.

Municipalities embark on a long and winding journey towards watershed management.

Collaborative approach needed to enable watershed-scale decisions that address local land-use issues. By Kevin Trimble. Kevin Trimble, a board member at the Muskoka Watershed Council, spoke at the Integrated Watershed…

Snapping Turtle

Do the turtle and deer have a legal right to use Muskoka’s lakes and land as we do?

Just because our legal code declares that other species do not have rights does not make that assumption correct. By Peter Sale. The snapping turtle is Canada’s largest freshwater turtle…

Camping photo by Barb Hutchinson

‘So what?’ The role of adaptive management in the Muskoka watershed.

The process is not trivial, but has the merit (and the need for) involving all interests in the watershed working together in a process of integrated watershed management. By Neil…

Wetland Photo - John McQuarrie

The future Muskoka I would like to see.

By Jeff Lehman. The Muskoka watershed is surely among the most loved environments in our country. Millions of visitors cannot be wrong in finding something truly special — and those…

Photo of a bonfire

Balancing fire protection, recreational esthetics and ecological health

Conifers are more susceptible to wildfire, but the fortunate mix of deciduous trees in our Muskoka forests creates a more resilient ecosystem. By Richard Lammers. Will the warming climate in…

Photo of the Bracebridge Falls

The future Muskoka I would like to see.

In my future Muskoka, buildings are constructed to the greenest standards available, and pedestrians and cyclists rule. By Dr. Peter Sale. The many waterfalls of Muskoka are already providing green…

Attendees at the Municipal IWM Conference held on February 9, 2024

Science is easy, it’s bringing people together to fight environmental problems that’s the difficult part.

Those who say we should delay environmental action until the science is clear are usually seeking to stall action. By Geoff Ross. Participants listen to speakers at the Municipal IWM…