MoReCo Lake Management Framework

Might the time be here for community engagement in lake management?

Lake health is guaranteed by vigilance — by monitoring indicators of current and emerging threats. By Dr. Norman Yan An old lake management model from 30 years ago didn’t make the light…

Map of water features in Muskoka.

Water in Muskoka – By the Numbers

By Rebecca Willison. Muskoka – That’s a lot of water – and it all matters! Most maps you see of Muskoka don’t include the full extent of our water resources,…

Caring for Muskoka waterways needs to be similar to how we care for our health.

The kind of integration that keeps our body healthy does not yet exist for managing the Muskoka Watershed. By Geoff Ross. Unless you have training as an ecologist, you may…

Neil Hutchinson

Living in our changing watershed: MWC looks at integration and relationships

This series will include essays on what we as citizens value in our watershed. By Neil Hutchinson. The 2023 Muskoka Watershed Report Card said we need to be wary of…

Bracebridge Bay - Photo by John McQuarrie

Integrated management of the Muskoka River Watershed: Time to get started!

Integrated Watershed Management requires a culture shift in the way we think but is a more effective way to manage our environment and economy. By Kevin Trimble. Muskoka Watershed Council…

IWM Homepage Slider Graphic

Is sustaining the environment really important in Muskoka?

By Dr. Peter Sale. Our municipalities state that conserving and sustaining our iconic environment is a key objective in their Official Plans. Candidates for municipal councils almost universally include the…

Aerial Photo of Huntsville

Our Changing Watershed: How well is our Muskoka environment doing?

In 2023, we see evidence of change according to report. By Peter Sale. Aerial photo of the Town of Huntsville. This summer, the Muskoka Watershed Council is releasing its 2023…

Headwater Streams

Our Changing Watershed: How Nature Works to Avoid Flooding in Muskoka

By Kevin Trimble. We often don’t think about floods until we see torrents of water roaring over our dams and waterfalls, down our big rivers, or raising water levels in…

2022 Earth Day Logo

Reflections on Earth Day and Muskoka

By Peter Sale. April 22nd will be the 52nd Earth Day. Starting in 1970 with teach-ins across US campuses, Earth Day became global in 1990. It is a day to pause…

Muskoka Watershed Council is seeking Community Round Table members

Muskoka Watershed Council is seeking individuals from sectors across the Muskoka River Watershed to join the Community Round Table to ensure Muskoka's societal, economic, and environmental interests are considered in…

A Community Round Table is needed for Integrated Watershed Management

Muskoka Watershed Council is seeking individuals interested in joining the Community Round Table on Integrated Watershed Management for the Muskoka River Watershed. You can become a part of the process…

Municipal Official Plan Recommendations

Municipal Official Plan Recommendations

Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) has developed a series of 36 recommendations for consideration during a municipality’s Official Plan (OP) review process. Our recommendations generally relate to integrated watershed management (IWM),…