Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

How Does a Changing Climate Impact Our Watershed?

    The 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card produced by the Muskoka Watershed Council features 8 different indicators of watershed health. Climate Change is one of these indicators, categorized as…

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Total Phosphorus? Totally Cool!

  The 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card produced by the Muskoka Watershed Council features 8 different indicators of watershed health. Total Phosphorus is one of these indicators, categorized as a…

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Calcium concentrations in our lakes: What do they mean?

  The 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card features eight different indicators of watershed health. Calcium concentration is one of these indicators, categorized as a health indicator rather than a threat indicator.…

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Without bugs, much of the life in Muskoka’s lakes would diminish

  Muskoka Watershed Council’s 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card was launched in July. It features 8 indicators of environmental health: total phosphorus, calcium concentrations in lakes, benthic macroinvertebrates, species at…

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Measuring a Healthy Muskoka Watershed

    How is our changing climate impacting Muskoka?  What does calcium have to do with Muskoka’s environmental health? And what the heck are benthic macroinvertebrates?On July 19, Muskoka Watershed Council…