2020 World Water Day: Water Can help Fight Climate Change

Water can help fight climate change: 2020 World Water Day

  World Water Day 2020, on 22 March, is about water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked. Did you know that water can help fight…

Integrated Watershed Management in Muskoka paper

Watershed Council Makes a Case for Integrated Watershed Management

Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) approved a paper at its January meeting outlining the need for integrated watershed management (IWM) in Muskoka. The paper formed the basis for MWC’s submission to…

GMPE Cheque Donation

Donations to protect watershed health keep GMPE founder’s legacy alive

Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) received a generous donation…

Integrated Watershed Management in Muskoka paper

Submission to the Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group

18 February 2020   To:   Ms. Mardi Witzel, Chair Members of the Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group   Submitted by email to [email protected]     Dear Ms. Witzel and members  …

Celebrate Biodiversity this World Wetlands Day!

By Carley Rennie. Hiking through the Torrance Barrens you pull out your binoculars and spot a Coopers Hawk! Wetlands such as those found throughout the Torrance…

Man shovelling snow

When it comes to road salt, a little can go a long way!

  The overuse of road salt is damaging to our infrastructure, automobiles, vegetation, water quality and the environment, which is why it was added to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act's…

How our forests influence water flow in Muskoka

by Javier Cappella. Water and forests in Muskoka’s watersheds are intimately linked. Muskoka’s forests are unique in their abundance. Without the intense land use pressures of southern Ontario but still…

Wetland Photo - John McQuarrie

How important is that wetland?

By Peter Sale       You’ve all seen wetlands. There are lots of them in Muskoka. Marshy, boggy, mosquito-infested, noxious places; neither a lake nor dry land; what good…

Upjohn Nature Reserve - Wetland

Mother Nature thinks we are all deadbeats in Muskoka

  By Geoff Ross   In most human endeavours, from managing a home, to managing a major business enterprise, it is important to consider all the costs and all the…

Algae Sampling

What Are Algae Doing in Muskoka’s Lakes?

By Peter Sale     Responding to considerable community interest, the Muskoka Watershed Council wants to find out what algae are doing in Muskoka lakes.   These tiny single-celled plants…

Muskoka Environment

Why talk about “models” when we need to stop real floods?

By Geoff Ross     In the many discussions underway about recent flooding in Muskoka, the idea of a “model” for how water moves through Muskoka is perhaps the most…

Photo by John McQuarrie

Integrated watershed management can manage Muskoka’s environment

By Peter Sale     In a previous article, Kevin Trimble proposed using watershed hydrology to help manage floods. How do we do this?   The Muskoka Watershed Council recommends…