MWC DIrector David Parsons at the Muskoka Earth Festival

MWC Chair’s Annual Report for 2022

Delivered by MWC Chair Peter Sale at MWC's Annual General Meeting held on January 20, 2023. Our last AGM, on 22nd April 2022, seems a very long time ago. The…

Watershed Stewards Recognized Through the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program

Muskoka Watershed Council is pleased to recognize a number of watershed stewards, as selected by their respective organizations, through the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program in 2022. The Doug Cross…

Blanding's Turtle

Muskoka’s Natural Heritage and Bill 23

To: Environmental Registry of Ontario Re: Muskoka’s Natural Heritage and Bill 23 Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) is a community-based not-for-profit corporation. Since 2001, we have developed sound,…

Photo of a Painted Turtle taken by Rebecca Willison

MWC “Shellebrates” World Turtle Day!

By Jo-Anne Goodwin and Warren Goodwin. On the beach, on the roads, or on a log, cottagers and locals alike are thrilled yearly by the sightings of one of our…

It’s Endangered Species Day May 20th!

By Jess Lario. Endangered Species Day has been celebrated on the third Friday in May every year since 2006. The purpose of this day is to recognize and increase awareness…

2022 Earth Day Logo

Reflections on Earth Day and Muskoka

By Peter Sale. April 22nd will be the 52nd Earth Day. Starting in 1970 with teach-ins across US campuses, Earth Day became global in 1990. It is a day to pause…

Photo by John McQuarrie

Celebrate the role of forests in ensuring sustainable products this International Day of Forests!

By Javier Cappella, R.P.F. This International Day of Forests we celebrate the role of forests in ensuring sustainable products. The International Day of Forests (IDF) has been celebrated annually on…

Groundwater: making the invisible visible

By David Parsons. World Water Day, annually observed by the United Nations each March 22nd, celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe…

Green Frog

MWC Celebrates World Frog Day in Muskoka!

By Caroline Konarzewski. Photo of a Green Frog by Elizabeth Aubin. Despite the snow still on the ground, World Frog Day arrives on March 20th and MWC wants to help…

MWC at 20 Header

MWC Celebrates 20 Years of Championing Watershed Health!

Muskoka Watershed Council is celebrating 20 years of championing watershed health at its meeting on Friday, January 28 via zoom. An in-person event will be held when gathering is permitted.…

Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program Logo

MWC launches the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program to recognize watershed stewards

Our watersheds are made up of thousands of people who take small actions everyday to help keep our watersheds healthy and beautiful, and Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) wants to help…

Muskoka Watershed Council is seeking Community Round Table members

Muskoka Watershed Council is seeking individuals from sectors across the Muskoka River Watershed to join the Community Round Table to ensure Muskoka's societal, economic, and environmental interests are considered in…