Photo of a flooded boathouse by Richard Lammers

Our Changing Watershed: Apology for Muskoka environment as written 76 years from now

"I want to apologize to you and your generation for leaving the planet in such a poor state." By Richard Lammers. To my dearest great-granddaughter, As we approach the turn…

Muskoka Watershed Council

What is the Muskoka Watershed Council?

By Peter Sale, MWC Chair. The otter on the Muskoka Watershed Council logo has been cavorting across Muskoka for over 20 years, yet people remain confused. MWC is not part of…

MWC DIrector David Parsons at the Muskoka Earth Festival

MWC Chair’s Annual Report for 2022

Delivered by MWC Chair Peter Sale at MWC's Annual General Meeting held on January 20, 2023. Our last AGM, on 22nd April 2022, seems a very long time ago. The…

Walleye Photo by EGBSC

Drawdown Ecology – why can’t we just lower the lakes?

By Kevin Trimble. Walleye. Source: Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council Pressure is mounting in Muskoka to push water levels lower. The Muskoka River Water Management Plan (MRWMP) calls for a…

Water Quality Sampling

COVID-19 must not halt Muskoka’s environmental monitoring programs

By Rebecca Willison. Environmental monitoring was one of the first things cancelled or suspended as the COVID-19 pandemic descended on Canada. This was understandable, given that resources needed to be…

Does your shoreline have a Natural Edge?

Does your shoreline have a Natural Edge?

By Rebecca Willison and Rebecca Krawczyk. We are naturally attracted to aesthetic places and clean water—and so are the creatures we share this land and water with. The riparian zone…

GMPE Cheque Donation

Donations to protect watershed health keep GMPE founder’s legacy alive

Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) received a generous donation…

Integrated Watershed Management in Muskoka paper

Submission to the Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group

18 February 2020   To:   Ms. Mardi Witzel, Chair Members of the Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group   Submitted by email to [email protected]     Dear Ms. Witzel and members  …

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Total Phosphorus? Totally Cool!

  The 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card produced by the Muskoka Watershed Council features 8 different indicators of watershed health. Total Phosphorus is one of these indicators, categorized as a…

Muskoka Watershed Report Card Logo

Calcium concentrations in our lakes: What do they mean?

  The 2018 Muskoka Watershed Report Card features eight different indicators of watershed health. Calcium concentration is one of these indicators, categorized as a health indicator rather than a threat indicator.…

Lakes Part 4: Gloeotrichia

By Dylan Moesker   Over the last few weeks in this four part article series, we have been discussing a number of topics that all revolve around lakes. We have…

Lakes Part 3: Why Are Some Lakes Tea-stained?

By Dylan Moesker   As we continue to learn more about the types of lakes found in Muskoka, tea-stained lakes still remain a misunderstood topic. These lakes are misunderstood since…