MWC promotes watershed health through education and outreach, including:
- “Welcome to Watersheds” school presentation – while aimed at Grade 4 students, the presentation can be adapted to suit any grade level
- “Wash Out” Activity Centre at the annual Haliburton-Muskoka-Kawartha Children’s Water Festival
- Displays at various community events and lake association AGMs
- Presentations to various community groups
- Resource material developed for distribution to various community groups and lake associations
Contact us to learn more about any of our outreach and education programs or to book a presentation.
Speakers Bureau
Muskoka Watershed Council members are available to give presentations on a number of topics, including:
- Muskoka Watershed Report Card
- Climate Change
- Invasive Species
- Integrated Watershed Management
- Other Position Paper topics
- What is a watershed and what impacts watershed health
- School presentations on watersheds or invasive species
Please contact us to book a presentation for your association or community group.